Sustainability report

S.T.P. Brindisi S.p.A. presents the 3rd Sustainability Report whose goal consists in informing all stakeholders of the strong committment and the results achieved over the two-year period 2010-2011 concerning the service offered and the economic, environmental and social outcomes, trying to highlight not only the strength points but also the weak ones, that the company means to improve.

For its balance sheet development, also this year S.T.P. Brindisi S.p.A., has used both the ASSTRA Guidelines and the G3 model of GRI Guidelines (Global Reporting Initiative), that are considered as a universally recognized standard Sustainability Reports may follow to improve their intelligibility and ensure the transparency of those pieces of information they report.

STP Brindisi SpA has felt it opportune to submit the document to a formal and substantial assessment of its data fairness and consistency, taking on a qualified company (A&D Servizi Integrati) for this purpose.

A special thanks goes to all collaborators of STP Brindisi S.p.A., who helped so much to achieve the company’s goals and draw up the balance sheet, as well as to the other stakeholders that has supported the company on the Sustainability way. We thank our readers in advance for their kind attention and interest.


pdf    Social report 2012-2015



rapporto sostenibilità 2010-2011   Sustainability report 2010-2011 (2,8 MB)
rapporto sostenibilità 2009   Sustainability report 2009 (8,9 MB)
rapporto sostenibilità 2006-2008   Sustainability report 2006-2008 (3,9 MB)


Contrada Piccoli Z.I. - 72100 Brindisi
P.IVA 00112550744
Tel: 0831 54 91 11 Fax: 0831 57 57 12
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