
Public recruitment process for the arrangement of an operators list on a fixed-term contract of a 12-month maximum duration

STP Brindisi and "M'Illumino di Meno" edition 2017

milluminodimeno STP Brindisi endorses the initiative by #Caterpillar #RadioDue for the Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestiles Day. At the company we produce parts of the energy we consume thanks to a solar array. Tomorrow we’re turning off part of the lights in the company. Let’s turn the lights off and turn on the sharing energy. Enjoy our public means to move, this is an energy saving measure, too.  
#condiVivo #MilluminoDiMeno

School bus service in Mesagne available now

STP Brindisi informs that from Monday 24th October 2016 is available, in agreement with the City Council, the School bus Service in Mesagne.
The agreement provides for the arrangement of a run leaving from piazza Capri (Torretta) and bound for the Higher Technical Commercial Institute and the Scientific High School (Terminus) on the outward journey and three runs at 12:15, 13:15 and 14:05 on the way back, leaving from the Scientific High School (runs at 12:15 and 13:15) and from the Higher Technical Commercial Institute (14:05).

One can enjoy the trip holding a single journey ticket (€ 0,90) or a Urban monthly pass (€ 22,40).

Both the Board of Directors and STP Management said they were very satisfied with the agreement, both for the unity of purpose and the strong spirit of cooperation showed by the authorities, but also because the Agreement is part of a wider plan of territorial promotion aimed at boosting the use of public transport both urban and extra-urban, fostering the solution to the mobility needs of students and the whole citizenry at the same time.

Look up the timetable

Agreement between STP Brindisi and the Università del Salento for the Cittadella della Ricerca university campus

The Società Trasporti Pubblici di Brindisi has renewed for the next three-year period the Agreement with the Università del Salento, providing with facilitations for attending students and the staff employed within the Cittadella della Ricerca university campus.

The particular agreement offers the issue of weekly and monthly Extra-urban Service passes, on the routes from and to the Cittadella della Ricerca university campus, with a weekly passes’ fare discounted by 40% and a monthly passes’ fare discounted by 55%.

The Concessionary fare passes can be purchased at PuntoStp no. 18 via Cappellini 18 (Brindisi); at the Guest House of Cittadella della Ricerca, and in Lecce at the tobacconist’s no. 53 via De Pietro.

The Agreement is part of a wider territorial promotion plan aimed at boosting the use of public transport both urban and extra-urban, supporting at the same time the attendance of the university courses and improving the sustainable mobility over throughout the territory.


Contrada Piccoli Z.I. - 72100 Brindisi
P.IVA 00112550744
Tel: 0831 54 91 11 Fax: 0831 57 57 12
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