Lost items

Oggetti smarriti

Lost property found on board of the company’s vehicles are handed over by the driver on duty to the operation centre assistant as soon as possible with concurrent compilation and signing of a specific form.

The items are kept for a maximum of 30 days, beyond which, within the meaning and for the purposes of art. 927 c.c. they are sent to the Lost & Found Office of the Municipality concerned.

For further information, please contact the Operation Centre on +39 0831 549260.


Contrada Piccoli Z.I. - 72100 Brindisi
P.IVA 00112550744
Tel: 0831 54 91 11 Fax: 0831 57 57 12
Società trasparente
Segnalazioni Whistleblowing

ISO 9001 - ISO 14001 - ISO 45001 ISO 39001
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